
The Departed Subject.

momI wish I knew. She died when I was fifteen. Time with her was sporadic before that. It pains me that I’ll never hear her reaction to it. The book wasn’t easy to write, but my mother’s story deserved to be told.


Not A Good Start To A Saturday.

“I’m as freeeee as a bird now.”

You’re kidding me.

Shawna slaps the alarm clock.

“All we are is dust in the wiiiiind.”

What the frick!

She yanks the cord from the wall.

Back to sleep.

Caw! Caw! Caw!





Alright! I’m up!


Every have this kind of Saturday morning?

This week’s Gargleblaster prompt is: Why do birds suddenly appear? Click the badge to learn more about this 42 word writing challenge.






This was us.

I see colored jeans, hugging their ankles. One bare shoulder, claiming the top of the fashion food chain. Neon has taken a generational curve, back around. The boys on one wall, girls on the other. It’s familiar, only now, I’m the chaperone.


Click the badge to learn about the flash fiction challenge that is the Gargleblaster. This week the sentence prompt was: “Have all your clocks stopped?”




Her Last Chance.

A despairing film covers her eyes, blocking sight of arms reaching for her. She’s twisted in pain, unable to absorb love. Really see her. See her hidden scars. Suspend her grief. Her mind is teetering that fine line. It’s up to you.


Do you see her much?

Click the badge to learn more about the Gargleblasher challenge over at Yeah Write!

I just missed the link up this week! I went to upload an image and lost my spot! Urrrrrgh…oh it’s on next week 🙂


Eye For An Eye – Gargleblaster #156

Click to hear the one and only Mrs. Lambert tell this story. 🙂


She walks away from the house, the heat on her back evoking a retaliatory satisfaction. She may never get the stench of his burning flesh out of her pores, but has no remorse. She is done picking the asphalt out of her soul.



This week’s question is:

Who dunnit?

The challenge is to tell a story in exactly 42 words. How’d I do?